What Is Your Decision?

Your decision

Your focus, your attitude, your determination to either do the right thing or the wrong thing, how far you go in life and even your salvation is really determined by this big question: "What is your own decision?" 

You see, it's easy to accept failure because most people around you have failed. It's easy to accept those things that you really know deep down your soul abhors because others are doing it. It's easy to become corrupt and easily cheat others because those around you look corrupt and have cheated you in the past. 

It's way easier to drop everything you've ever held dear to you as a result of a particular experience you've had or what people may have done to you. But the big question is still: What is your own personal decision? 

A lot of times, you'll hear people say that the world is hopeless, destined for total destruction and irredeemable because of what they think is happening around them. 

These people as a result of the bad news they hear everywhere easily accept that only bad things exist and only bad people survive. Then they go ahead to resign themselves into doing the very same thing they hated and abhorred. 

What's their excuse? The world is already bad, so why not be bad? But was that change in attitude really their decision? 

It's very important that whatever we choose to do in this life is our own decision and comes from a well thought out objective. Making decisions  entirely based on painful experiences and what you think other people are doing usually leads to the wrong decisions because your judgement will be clouded by fleeting emotions. 

When you look around you and all you see appears to be negativity, it should tell you one thing: You have a responsibility to create the positivity! Be the positivity! 

Yes! If you have ever been dissatisfied with what you are seeing happening in your environment, then you should know that deep down you have been called to be a pioneer of a brighter future. 

Many people don't care about the negativity you know? Even though it's affecting everyone and will ultimately consume all of us if everyone does nothing about it, some people don't care and will never care. 

These people will go through any vague, vulgar, criminal or disgusting thing ever required just to survive. But if we decide to do anything just like them to survive without channelling our God given intelligence to turning around the negativity, then what makes us all different from animals? 

In the beginning, according to the Scriptures, Adam was given dominion over everything God created. And till this day every human being including you, has been given this dominion. 

But you know the big question right now? Are you really making use of that dominion or are you letting the things that have been created in your world have dominion over you? You need to pause and reflect on that. 

What you're experiencing now and what you will experience in future all boils down to your decision right now. You can see all these negative things happening around you and decide to do nothing but watch or join in creating the negativity. 

You know what that does? It means that in future, you will be stuck with the negativity you've refused to do nothing about or the negativity you've joined in creating. 

At this point, it's best to let you know that when you're doing nothing about those problems that bother you, you are allowing those problems flourish and subliminally, you're also CREATING it! 

It may seem that doing nothing keeps you safe from creating problems. But the reverse is actually the case! As long as you're not channeling your God given talents and abilities to tackle the challenges you encounter everyday, you're among the creators of this negativity. 

We all have a responsibility to exercise our dominion over created things and we must be act on this responsibility. 

You can choose not to act, you can shrug it off as something that doesn't concern you.. You may think you're safe.. Lol. But believe me, if you're not doing anything to build or create something positive in your world.. It won't be long before you experience the effects of your nonchalance and I hope it won't be too late. 

I believe you're wise enough not to wait and see how that experience would be for yourself in future. So I'm calling on you to think and rethink your decision. 

Do you really want to not care? Do you really want to resign to hopelessness, darkness and despair? Do you really want to throw away the dominion you have been created to utilize? Do you really want to sit back and watch things get worse or hope for a sudden miracle?

Or do you want to say no to negativity? Do you want to be a ray of light, faith and hope in today's world? Would you dare to make the tough choice of dreaming about great possibilities and playing your part in the creation of such? Would you sacrifice to create the future you want today? 

The answer is entirely your choice and in your hands.. It's your decision. What is your decision? It's all up to you and I hope you make the right choice and join the pioneers of the future who refuse to live like animals but those who are willing to take dominion and be the creators of the change they earnestly desire! 

Make the right decision today and keep winning!


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