Why You Have To Care

why you have to care.

An insight today while looking on the mirror inspired me to write this blog post on why you have to care. And I hope it doesn't end up as one of those  motivational articles online, but rather inspires you to act right.

Today, I took a long look at myself in the mirror. I haven't done this is a long while as I have let myself become so caught up in my daily activities. So I was pretty surprised at the changes I noticed.

My hair had become less dark in color, coily and quite rough. This was new because I know how my hair normally looked. I realized that I hadn't really been paying good attention to my hair for a while now and that's why it decided to grow and look the way it wanted.

What has happened? I stopped caring for my hair the way I used to. This is very important to take note of. My hair won't continue looking all nice, awesome and well taken care of if I don't care about it enough through appropriate planning and required action.

Just because I had forgotten to care about it, I won't enjoy the benefits of the hair looking great.

Which leads me to this: Whatever you don't care about(which is important to your well-being) will get worse!

The reverse is the case for the things that aren't important to you or the things that tend to bring you down.

When you don't care about people that want to talk you down or say negative things about you, you'll feel much BETTER! It's detrimental to care about negativity in any form. Caring about negative things is what leads to worry.

So the rule is: Care about those things that make you better or feel good about yourself in any way and don't care about the things that make you feel terrible.

It's not just about our looks. If you don't care about your business and monitor its growth, your business will perform worse. It's a natural law.

If you stop caring about cleaning up your house or washing your clothes, these things will definitely get worse by becoming very dirty and stinky.

If you stop caring about your fitness and stop exercising your body or hitting the gym. Your body will go out of shape and start adding more fat to anywhere it feels like.

If you stop making that young man or young woman that you love feel the love you have for them, the person might start behaving in a way that you don't like.

Now get me, the fact that you have to care doesn't mean you have to OVER CARE! I can't spend all day caring about my hair or apply nice hair creams to it. I mean, I've got a lot more to do.

I can't call my loved ones 24 hours everyday simply to tell them I love them. At a point, they may think I'm crazy. And they need their breathing space.

I can't just spend the week cleaning up my apartment all the time. I mean, who does that?

The important thing here is to make sure your CARE is REGULAR!

It doesn't have to be TOO MUCH or TOO LITTLE.. Just ensure that it's regular to keep the momentum.

Decided to recreate a regular routine for taking good care of my hair and hopefully I know it will come back to its admirable state. I have just not cared enough about it for a while.

So let this blog post be a reminder to everyone of us. Sometimes we are carried away by our goals, dreams and aspirations that we FORGET to CARE about those things that look little, which we have to care about.

Our goals and motives are very important. However, let's try as much as we can to still create time to make our "care" regular. It's difficult to really keep up with showing care to the things that matter to us, but once we get it right, it becomes a very good habit.

And no matter how carried away we get, we will find out that we still regularly care about those beautiful things in our lives which we have to care about.

Don't forget to show care to the things that really matter to you and just keep winning!


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