Don't Run Away From Fear

don't run away from fear

Sometimes, the things you are afraid of are usually the things you have to face in order to grow. Those situations and tough decisions that make your heart beat faster out of fear are the situations that build you up to be stronger for your life's mission.

A lot of people have been conditioned to always run away from things that scare them and that's why many of them are yet to get to where they desire to be.

The most motivated and successful people in the world today are those who faced majority of their fears repeatedly and then mastered it to the point that they have become strong enough to face any challenge they may encounter in life.

The emotion of fear is not something we should always run away from. It is something that should make us very aware of ourselves and our situation. This awareness is something that forces us to think out of the box and make the best choices when it comes to the unexpected.

But when a man or woman keeps running away from these fears, they miss out on the awareness and development that such fears come with. They remain the same, trapped in their illusion of safety and "what will be will be."

These ones fail to see that the more they run away from their fears, the more powerful this fear gets. But if they had formed the habit of facing their fears, they would be mastering each fear one by one and the fears they mastered will have no power over them anymore because they can now handle it.

There are some moments in your life when you will feel very afraid when you are about to take or have taken a big decision. Sometimes, you feel that fear when you are doing something for the very first time.

You should remember that as long as the actions you are taking or decisions you have made came out of a deep urge to grow inside of you, you should not let these fears make you run from continuing with the decision or action.

The situations that make you afraid the most are the situations that you grow best from.
If you really want to get ahead in life, these fears must be embraced and seen as an indicator that you are about to grow and expand. It shouldn't make you move backwards.

Listen, most of the advice you'll receive from friends, family, loved ones and etc will be aimed at keeping you "safe" and just "comfortable". You'll get lots of unsolicited advice from people who will try to tell you why your fears are valid and why you have to step back and don't go ahead with a risky decision.

It's easy to listen to them and fall back to safety and comfort. But the questions are: Is safety and comfort all you really want? Do you want to be just like everyone else?Do you want to give up on your ideas and dreams and settle for the same thing everyone else is doing?

Or do you really hunger for something bigger than yourself? Do you hunger to develop yourself to your highest capacity? Do you hunger to distinguish yourself from the crowd and live a legacy for your generations yet unborn?

Then you have to shut off most of the noise from outside and just stick to your gut. Sometimes, you should listen to advice, but you have to look at the advice very well to be sure it's not originating from someone's emotions. Before taking any advice, it has to be backed up with solid and verifiable facts and not just about "safety and comfort".

Most times, if you really know what you're doing and what you want, then the number one person you should be listening to it yourself! And it should be your higher self. The lower self is what fills your head with all negative things that could happen if you should do something that you are afraid to do.
The higher self is the aspiring self. It is the self that makes you believe that you can do it and there is no challenge you cannot overcome.
Listening to the higher self irrespective of fears peddled by the lower self takes a lot of guts, fear and risk taking. It's not for the faint hearted and that's why the few who can stick with it are blessed with everything they want.

The point of my post is to inspire you to reconsider the things your heart deeply yearns for which you have been sweeping under the carpet because you have been afraid.

Challenge yourself to do the things you are afraid of. If you're a shy person, embarrass yourself as much as possible to overcome it. Of course you'll make mistakes and people will laugh at you. But it doesn't matter one bit.. because the goal is to master the fear of being embarrassed.

When you overcome that fear. Your being shy will disappear instantly. You'll not be afraid to be embarrassed anymore and you'll not be bothered about whether people will laugh at you or not. You'll be free from those fears because you went into it and you'll find in yourself a confident man or woman.

If you're afraid to speak in public, stand up whenever an opportunity comes up and say anything you like. It doesn't matter whether it makes sense or not. You are just building yourself and getting used to the stage. The more you do it.. the better you get.

The more fears you face, the better you get! And the particular fears you face repeatedly, you master them better.

You know why it's important you start facing these fears as soon as possible?
It's because the world only cares about the very best! When you embarrass yourself many times, learn and keep embarrassing yourself to the limit because you want to master your fears, you'll eventually master them and you become exceptionally good in what you do!

Then, nobody will remember the days of your struggle and when you were consistently doing the things you were afraid of. No one will remember how many times you felt embarrassed, scared and sad because you made a choice to keep facing your fears.

All they see will be the BEST! And they will all say GOOD about you! And the world will reward you with whatever you want because you have PROVED YOURSELF as one of the very best!

So consciously and repeatedly face your fears irrespective of what people may say or do. And you will keep soaring high like an eagle!

Keep Winning!


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