A Review of Ucertify Python Programming Course

Hello bold winners,

Trust you're mentally alert, motivated and doing just great?

It has been a while away from the blog again as I've been working on and exploring the world of IT(Information Technology), ML(Machine Learning) and AI(Artificial Intelligence) to see how these technologies can be utilized for the greater good.

So far so good, the journey has not been easy. I taught myself programming using Python and was fortunate to get an internship at a firm which further helped me to refine my skills.

I see a lot of amazing potential in these emerging technologies and I strongly believe that when put to the right use, it can go a long way to solve the world's major challenges.

Imagine having a personal robot that can tell when you're feeling bad and motivate or give you reasons why you should feel good about yourself by speaking to you or playing you some great videos. Imagine  tech that helps you build and maintain good relationships with people? Or even an interconnected home for the elderly or those who need intensive care which understands the environment using AI and sends appropriate signals to professionals incharge of these people's well being?

AI can help us in agriculture(no need for too many farmers), it can help us make better drugs because it has the capacity to analyze vast amounts of data which cannot easily be analyzed by humans, it can even help in creating a more secure society with less fraud. The possibilities are endless.

So what is the point of all these? Well, if you're interested in contributing to this emerging field of technology, then Python is a good place to start. I have been learning about Python for a long while now on online learning platforms like edx and coursera. But recently I took a Python Course from Ucertify and here is my review on linkedin:

"I gone through a couple of Python courses and I've never seen any as complete and as comprehensive as the one I took from uCertify.com. Ucertify is a comprehensive online learning website with very good systems of learning. There are plenty of resources for a variety of learners. You can choose to read the lessons, watch videos and you get lots of opportunities to gain mastery of the subject through practice questions, interactive labs and assessments. The course "Basics of Python Programming" is highly recommended for anyone who wants to get a very strong foundation of the python Program. Here is the link to register for the course: https://lnkd.in/ddwyhFM . It covers Python Basics, Data Structures, Functions, Modules, Control Flow Tools, Errors/Exception handling, OOP and lots more! Suitable for developers, Data Scientists and anyone who is interested in learning about the Python Program."
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I really recommend this course to anyone looking to gain mastery in Python which is the foundation of learning programming requisite for further applications in web development, data analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotics. You can still check out other online learning websites by doing a simple Google search, but this course by Ucertify is well rounded.

Here is what the certification looks like:

Feel free to check out the course and leave a comment if you have any question, suggestion or feedback.

Until next time,

Let's change the world with Technology and keep winning!


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