Does it Matter?

Juliet was a lively and happy young girl in her teens. She was so full of life and always created an atmosphere of happiness wherever she went to. Her smile was infectious and she had a lot of friends and well wishers who were close to her.
But it all changed one afternoon during a heated argument between her dad and her mom. The parents had thought she was outside playing with her friends, so they were unbridled in the use of their words.
"You got me pregnant with that stupid kid that I hate." the mother said. "you destroyed my life and shattered all my career plans with a baby I never wanted.." she continued...
Juliet had heard more than enough.. she was the product of an unwanted pregnancy and she was devastated. She went out without the notice of her parents and shed tears. Life became all gloomy suddenly and she was tired of even existing anymore.
She refused to go hang out with friends anymore and her performance in school dropped significantly. Her behavior too changed. She was really hurt. How could it be that her own parents didn't want her? It was hard for a kid of her age to understand it.. so she was really worried.
And then the school counselor noticed how Julie's (as she is fondly called) behavior changed over time and called her into her office. "What's really the problem Julie?" She asked. "This is not who you are. Are you facing any problems??"
Julie was reluctant to answer the question, but because of how close she was to the woman, she opened up to her. The counselor showed compassion on the poor kid and was able to assuage her fears that she was not wanted. Then after a long pause, she told her something which changed her forever.
"Julie, does it really matter if you were wanted or unwanted??" "I've known you over time and I see you're a great kid with a lot of potential." "Whether you were wanted by them or not doesn't really matter because you're here now!"
"You're here to make the most out of your life. God has allowed you to be here. So whether anyone wanted you to happen or not should not be what is bothering you for now. Focus on being the best version of who you are."
"Don't allow that to affect your disposition." "As a matter of fact, it shouldn't! You're here for a reason regardless of how you came.. so find that reason by developing yourself and taking advantage of the wonderful opportunities that each day brings."
These words hit Juliet's core. She cried, but on the inside she was transformed. She hugged the counselor and left her office.. Julie went back to being as happy as she used to be. Her grades picked up and she was back to living her admirable life.
You see in life, learning about some circumstances surrounding you can hurt you and make you feel like there's no point to even try to enjoy this life. But the truth is that your circumstances shouldn't really dictate how your life should turn out.
We can all give plenty excuses and reasons why we should not go ahead to succeed, be happy and win at life, but the truth is that the excuses/reasons don't count. You have to rise beyond them. That's what makes you a super human and that's what makes you strong.
"I'm not too tall or short", "I'm not fair or dark", "I was born in a too rich family (which made me lazy), I was born in a poor family (which tied my hands)".. "I'm too fat or too skinny".. "I'm too wanted or unwanted.." "I'm too beautiful or ugly.." "I know too many people that can't even help or I don't know anyone.." I this.. I that… the list of excuses can be endless..
But guess what? You owe yourself the best life you deserve regardless of any excuse you may trick yourself to accept. You have no limitations whatsoever.. all you need is faith and a drive to succeed.



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