What It Means To Be The Change

So there's this insight I'm getting in my mind right now and I just wanted to share:
Some people think they can only change the world when they do the big things, like getting to some high govt positions, starting a global movement or inventing something that has never been seen before etc.
But they forget that with every action we take everyday of our lives we are actually changing the world for every one of us. No matter how little or insignificant you think that action is.
Some things as trivial as saying some comforting words to someone who's hurting, sharing opportunities that may be helpful to another person, smiling at someone and even just dropping a helpful comment to fix another person's problem are actually changing the world in many ways than we can imagine.
Look back at your own life and see how your present situation is a function of the input of everyone you've come across. From you parents advice to the books you've read, movies, friends, colleagues, down to all the search results, blogs and articles you've been reading online.
All of these things were changing you gradually without your awareness. Everyone's input played a role in shaping you. Change didn't just happen overnight. It's an iterative process.
So the idea of waiting till we start something big, till we are presidents, ministers or human rights activists before we think we will be able to change the world is wrong.
The quote "change begins with you" is deeper than what you see. If you want to change the world, it has to start from being conscious of the impact every action you decide to take now will influence the next person around you.
You will begin to see how important leaving that review online really is, you will see how important helping someone else in their struggle really is, you can will care a little bit more than you do presently.
Everything will begin to make sense to you and you will see that with every conscious action you take, you are changing the world in a million ways that you can't even imagine.. not just for the present generation.. but your impact will span generations to come.
Let's be the change we wish to see in the world. I think we've complained enough already. I used to complain a lot about things not being right and all that. But I realized that people have been complaining years before I was even born.. some have died just complaining.
I didn't just want to be a complainer. We already know our situation and what's obtainable in where we find ourselves.. so rather than keep complaining let's be the change ourselves by paying attention to the most little things that we do.. I've seen this approach work much more better than joining the complaining bandwagon.
I'm not saying complaining is wrong. By all means complain(it helps release some of the anger in you😆).. but you cannot be complaining forever.. don't dwell in the complaining phase! It's only losers that continue to complain and whine about everything at every time.
You must go beyond complaining to doing! To being conscious of what you're doing.. To doing the best wherever you find yourself and have the emotional intelligence to see how your actions would affect your neighbor.
That's how every one of us can go beyond complaining to making changes in today's world every single day.. less noise, more work. Together, I believe someday our conscious efforts to be the change will culminate into the kind of world we dream of.
Think about it.


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