Inspiring Video on Gratefulness by The Kiffness and Rushawn


Stumbled across this lovely video made by The Kiffness and Rushawn and I think it has such a beautiful message on how to be grateful and thankful regardless of circumstances.

The lyrics are as follows: 


I dont wanna act too high and mighty cos tomorrow I may fall down on my face,

Lord I thank you for sunshine, thank you rain, thank you for joy, thank you for pain

It's a beautiful day ay ay ay It's a beautiful day ay ay ay! 

It's a beautiful day

Verse 1

Sometimes life is goood, but then trouble comes my way,

But whatever happens lord, I thank you for this day

And when I am feeling troubled, 

I lift my hands and pray that your will be done in the rain or sun..

Oh.. it's a beautiful day!


I dont wanna act too high and mighty cos tomorrow I may fall down on my face,

Lord I thank you for sunshine, thank you rain, thank you for joy, thank you for pain

It's a beautiful day ay ay ay It's a beautiful day ay ay ay! x2

Verse 2

I give you thanks when I'm feeling lonely

I give you thanks when I'm feeling glad,

I give you thanks in the morning and thanks in the evening and thanks when I'm feeling sad.

It is such a beautiful song that inspires gratefulness. Being thankful in whatever we are presently facing knowing that it's a beautiful day and we always have something to be grateful about.

It also has a thing to do with humility, knowing that there is no need to act higher or better than anyone else knowing that tomorrow you may not be in the powerful position you find yourself anymore.

And there is an element of submission to God's will whether life is good or whether we are feeling troubled. It's a surrender of our individual will to the will of God. And this happens from the trusting that whatever we face even when it looks negative might be God's will for us to lead to a greater purpose beyond ourselves. 

So we should give thanks at all times and give thanks as we usually cannot see the full picture of our current challenges.

The part of thank you for joy and thank you for pain captures this understanding perfectly. You can only be thankful in pain when you trust that the pain you are going throigh is for a greater purpose which you may be currently unable to see.

So I am joining The Kiffness and Rushwawn to sing this beautiful song and I think it captures an important message for all bold winners worldwide.

Let us all be grateful and thankful regardless of whatever situation we find ourselves trusting that as we do our best, everything happening to us will turn out to be good!

Until next time,

Keep being grateful and keep winning!



  1. Thank you for this beautiful message. At times it could be difficult to be thankful when we are going through pain, but worrying never yields any solution, for me most times, and I'm still not perfect, but when I'm grateful, God always makes a way. That part of the song reminds me of this “For there is hope for a tree, If it is cut down, that it will sprout again, And that its tender shoots will not cease”. Job 14:7. Thank you once again for blessing us with this, and reminding us to always give thanks no matter the situation.


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