February Stats

 Hello winners!

Hope you are all doing great? I am still utterly shocked at how our elections have gone, but I strongly believe that the right thing will be done to ameliorate things. 

Today begins the third month of this year and marks the end of the previous month and as usual I bring you the stats of the previous month.

I was not very consistent last month as I was in January where I completed 31/31 blog posts as I had intended. Rather I had 19/28 days meaning I did not write for 9 days. I lost 2 days partly due to my PC having unexpected issues around 9th February and then I relapsed on 14th, 15th and 16th. It was an intense period for me and I just could not meetup with the commitment. Then I did not write on 23rd February for any good reason. :) The election fever came over me on 25th, 26th and 27th Feb. I could not take my mind off what was going on in my home country.

While it was a pain that I could not write every day in February, there were still good things I noted:

I had 14 new articles and only 5 throwback articles. We had 8,169 views for February which was about 2000 views higher than last month's. The following articles came out top of the month:

The links are as follows:
1. https://www.boldwinner.com/2020/06/what-happened-to-victor-pride-of-bold.html
2. https://www.boldwinner.com/2017/01/why-you-should-be-careful-with-i-dont.html
3. https://www.boldwinner.com/2021/01/love-someone-with-similar-energy-levels.html
4. https://www.boldwinner.com/2023/02/lookback-living-in-present-moment.html
5. https://www.boldwinner.com/2016/11/nothing-comes-for-free.html

For February, the following countries were top readers:

We still had the united states topping the charts again in February, this time with almost 4000 views compared to January's 2,280+ . Canada came second place rather than Russia. Sweden showed up on top 10, taking 3rd position.. (Welcoming all the swedes to my blog!) United Kingdom moved from 8th in January to 4th this time, Netherlands were 9th in Jan but moved to 5th place this time. Germany maintained its 6th position. India dropped from 5th to 7th in February. Ireland dropped from 4th to 8th and Russia dropped from second place to 9th! Nigeria disappeared from 7th to out of top 10! 

February must have been hard on all of us. Especially the election prep matters! 

So those are few exciting changes. It is a new month and maintaining my commitment to write daily, no matter how little.

Keep winning!


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