Hard Truth on Forgiveness and Protecting Your Well-Being

Life throws curveballs, and sometimes those curveballs come wrapped in people we love. We forgive them, hoping they'll learn and grow, but the same hurtful patterns keep repeating. It's a heart-wrenching dilemma - love battles disappointment.

A friend recently shared a truth that stings: some people simply won't change. We cling to the hope that loved ones will magically transform, but this expectation can become a source of constant pain. Their personalities may be deeply ingrained, and hoping for a different version sets us up for further disappointment.

So, what's the way out? The first step is acknowledging the harsh reality: change might not happen.

Some individuals are manipulative, preying on our desire for a good relationship. We crave their approval, but their character flaws may not be compatible with our well-being.  Accepting this doesn't mean giving up hope entirely, but rather preparing for the possibility that they won't change.

It's important to see things clearly. We may have a better perspective than them, and expecting them to suddenly "get it" might be unrealistic.

The second step is protecting ourselves. A common trap is to mirror the negativity we receive. We lash out because we're hurt. But stooping to their level hinders our own growth.

If the person is abusive, prioritize your well-being. Limit contact, as GPT suggests.  Let go of the expectation that they'll change. Don't waste time waiting for a change of character or personality which may never come. Some people are truly incapable of that and are beyond redemption. Don't subject your mental health to torture by looking for something different in same place where you have been disappointed many times than you can count.

Here's the key: isolate their behavior. Don't let one person's actions taint your interactions with others. Be the kind, genuine person you are, regardless of how they treat you.

Walk away from those who take your forgiveness for granted. Limiting contact, or even cutting it off completely, is a valid choice.

Remember, clinging to hope for change can reopen wounds. Protect your mental health. Take care of yourself and your responsibilities. Don't let them control you through your desire for their approval.

Assume they won't change, limit contact, and focus on the amazing things you have to offer the world.

Manage your well-being and keep winning!



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