Everything Moves, Are You Moving?

This article was written as a draft for 2 weeks ago. I have two more drafts I will post in coming days. Took a two week break, but was inspired to make these drafts during that time. I hope you enjoy these articles from my time off.

As I looked out of a car window during a trip, I couldn’t help but notice how everything was in motion, heading somewhere. The beautiful green trees and shrubs swayed in harmony with the wind. The clouds drifted slowly, revealing a stunning clear sky on a sunny day. Cars on the road moved back and forth, each on its own journey. Some people were walking, some waiting for a bus, others washing their cars, while some were stuck in traffic. It was just beautiful to observe how everything was in a state of motion, all moving towards something.

Our lives are a constant stream of activity, always heading somewhere, searching for something, and building something. This is evident in nature as well; there’s day, there’s night, there are cloudy skies, and there are clear skies.

It hit me that if you view life from a distance; imagine yourself as an extraterrestrial watching everything and everyone from outer space; you’d realize how small life really is. You’d quickly see that there’s no point in staying stuck in one place, fixated on what’s not working.

From that distant perspective, it doesn’t matter; it doesn’t count, and it doesn’t change the fact that everything will keep moving. If you decide to stay still, focused on things you aspire towards rather than on those that allow you to keep flowing, it only affects you more deeply. The negative feelings that come with that should serve as reminders that you’re doing something wrong.

Life flows. Everything moves. You’ve got to keep moving. I think that’s how we find meaning in the seeming meaninglessness that the extraterrestrial can see from far away. Your fixation on one thing won’t stop the world. You must keep moving, and it’s mostly for your own good.

So, why am I sharing this? Most people let themselves stop moving when they feel something is wrong with their lives; when their best efforts yield little results, when they expect something to happen, or when someone they depend on disappoints them.

These things happen, and when they do, most people stop flowing, they stop moving. But the rule of life is to keep flowing and moving against all odds. One thing I’ve come to believe is that at every point in our lives, even when it appears that nothing works, there’s always "one thing" that gives us the opportunity to keep moving.

I am certain of this. I might not be able to prove it, but you can take my word for it. There’s always something that allows you to flow, that lets you move, grow, and be grateful. It may be different things for different people at different times, but if you look hard enough, regardless of how things seem to be going for you, you’ll always find that one thing that lets you move.

Always find it. Always move and flow with it. In that movement, you align perfectly with the life force of movement, and things take care of themselves from there. But the condition is that you cannot allow yourself to be hung up; you have to recognize the areas where you can move and move towards those.

Many things we take too seriously are insignificant. A tree doesn’t know if you have $100 million or just one penny; it just grows naturally. The sun and the moon don’t care if you lost $3 million in a failed business or if you won the lottery. The sun and the moon will appear as they always do.

Not to compare humans to inanimate objects, but just to make the point that to find some happiness and fulfillment in life, we must move. We must move in areas of our health, careers, spirituality, relationships, or whatever other areas of life we can.

Sometimes it’s only possible to move in one area; other times, it’s possible to move in all areas. The important thing is to move in any of those areas each day.

Moving doesn’t always mean constantly "doing" or working or trying to make things happen. Moving can also mean deciding to take a break, going on a vacation, or choosing to relax and appreciate life more. People often forget that deciding to take a break or relax is also moving; you’re moving towards health and well-being.

So deciding to do nothing for the sake of rest is moving too! The only time we’re not moving is when we shrink, when we allow negative emotions to dictate how we feel or keep us stuck in inaction, merely thinking about why certain areas aren’t moving.

We should never waste one second being in such a condition.

Keep moving, just like everything else does, just like nature does, and you’ll find the joy, peace, and satisfaction you deserve at all times.

Keep winning!

- Ike


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