The Ultimate Motivation

The ultimate motivation, man and God

The supreme motivation is knowing that the only thing you need to be the best version of yourself and to achieve everything you deserve is the fact that you are loved.

Many people go through life without even being aware of this. They are unaware because they think they need to find this love somewhere outside of themselves.

So, they wait to feel loved and valued until someone else loves them or behaves in a way that makes them feel loved. They also wait until things are going well for them, until everything is working out in their lives as they have envisioned it. They make a conscious choice to continue feeling miserable until they receive something that makes them feel loved or valued.

The reality is that they are already loved. It is so strange and counterintuitive that something they seek externally (from circumstances or expectations from other people) has always been with them.

You are loved because something gave you the opportunity to exist, to have a mind, a spirit, and consciousness. Something beyond your mind and body decided to give you a chance to live, to experience the joy of existence, and to be here with the rest of creation.

There are many names for this, but I like to call it "God." You can choose the term that best suits how you feel, but I believe the power that has given us consciousness, mind, and body to experience life is known as God.

The chance to exist in this world is God loving us well enough to want us to experience it. We could not obtain consciousness, a mind, body, or spirit by our own effort or will. If we were able to do so, it would be interesting to see what everyone chooses to become. However, God gave us this chance. That’s love.

Knowing that God loved you enough to let you exist and have life means you do not have to seek love elsewhere or be desperate to do anything just to win love from external sources. God's love for you is enough, as He gave you the breath to exist. The proof of God's love is that you are a part of creation.

That being said, there should be no excuses for feeling bad and unmotivated because of how someone acts towards you, how sad some life situations may have been or any other circumstance. Such unfortunate things should have no effect on your knowing that you are always loved. This means your motivation to keep going should no longer be impeded by what anyone has done, has, or will do!

Your value and worth have already been decided and acknowledged. You do not have to do anything else to "discover this." This knowledge should let you know that you are unlimited and unstoppable. Knowing that you have all the love, support, and encouragement you need from this higher power that loves you enough to let you exist means you owe it to yourself and to that higher power to develop and transform yourself in the best way possible. To give yourself everything you want and truly desire. To experience the beauty of life in some of the most amazing ways possible!

It means that anyone's behavior or any event must never be a reason to quit or stop being determined to keep going. It means that the occasional nudges of your mind to worry about the future and stay paralyzed cannot be allowed to exist anymore. No matter what worries may appear, you disarm them by reminding yourself that you are loved to exist, you will always be loved while existing, and even when you have to transition, you are still held by the love from the highest power.

Be aware that you are loved. You didn't have to do anything to be loved this way. You don't need to crave this love from external things. Of course, you may fall in love, but the love existing in you has always been there before you fall in love with another human.

Always recognize that the prime love from the Creator is always there, even when we aren't aware or focused on it. It always starts there, hoping our minds stop seeking this love externally and instead move towards it, radiating our best selves from this recognition.

You'll always be motivated when conscious of this.

Know you have always been loved and keep winning!



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