The Power of Inspired Action: Doing Things from a Place of Awareness

Do things with awareness! You've got this!

Some inspiring collection of quotes I came across today, originally shared by Angelakleesart, really resonated with me:

- “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” – Rumi

- “You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that refused to surrender.” – John Mark Green

- “Every storm runs out of rain.” – Maya Angelou

- “You’ve been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.” – Unknown

The first quote by Rumi especially stood out. The wound represents the challenges, struggles, and difficulties we all go through at different points in our lives. Through navigating these difficulties, we gain a new sense of awareness, one that strengthens us and transforms us into stronger versions of ourselves. This awareness motivates us to take inspired action, which brings me to the focus of this post.

Most people believe that taking action is enough to yield results. While action is important, this is only half the truth. The key is to take action from a place of awareness, a place where you know with certainty that your efforts will make a difference. This is a stark contrast to taking action from a place of fear, doubt, or worry. The awareness I talk about grows from a place of ultimate truth. The truth that you are enough, unique and you are infinitely loved.

When you act with the belief that your actions will succeed, your energy is different. There’s a sense of fullness and confidence that drives your efforts. It’s almost as if an invisible force flows through your actions, making them more powerful and more likely to succeed. 

It’s difficult to distinguish between actions taken from a place of awareness and those taken out of fear or worry because the mind can easily trick you. You might think you’re acting with confidence, but if you’re truly honest with yourself, you’ll know the difference. When you analyze your actions, ask yourself: "Am I doing this knowing it will work out, or am I acting from a place of doubt and uncertainty?"

When you act from a place of worry or fear, your actions lack the energy and life force needed to create real change. It often leads to frustration because, despite your efforts, you feel like you're not making progress. You may appear to be doing something to improve your circumstances, but deep down, you know it’s not moving the needle in your favor.

Everything in life moves from the invisible to the visible. The energy that transforms your actions must come from within. As Eminem said in the beginning parts of his song Till I Collapse, "’ve got to find that inner strength to just pull that s*** out of you..." This energy is inside you, and once you tap into it, your actions become guided, and you know they will make an impact. Even when it seems like nothing is happening, you trust that things are working behind the scenes, and eventually, the results will reveal themselves.

When you act from a place of awareness, you’re not constantly searching for immediate results. You trust the process and are confident that your actions are yielding positive outcomes, even if you can't see them right away. This patience and trust are crucial because results often unfold in unexpected ways over time.

On the other hand, when you act from a place of uncertainty or doubt, your mind is always uneasy. You find yourself constantly looking for “evidence” that your actions are making a difference. Every time you don't see immediate results, you become discouraged, lose motivation, and start doubting whether your actions are worthwhile. This cycle can drain your energy and leave you feeling defeated. It's not what you want.

So, what’s the better approach? Taking action from a place of awareness and inspiration. When you act from this space, you're less concerned with immediate evidence and more focused on the quality of your efforts. You are convinced that everything works out already and this joy already flows within you as you take any inspired action that comes from this knowing. You’re driven by a deeper sense of purpose, and this keeps your mind at ease, knowing that results inevitably come when the time is right.

Your happiness is no longer tied to the outcome, but rather to the process itself. You find joy in taking inspired steps, knowing that each one brings you closer to your goal. This mindset ensures that you remain motivated and energized, even when progress isn’t immediately visible.

I will always choose inspired action from a place of awareness, and I hope you do the same. When you act with conviction, not only do you multiply your chances of success, but you also maintain a sense of peace and purpose throughout the journey.

Have an inspiring September, and keep winning!



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