Overcoming Self - Doubt

Overcoming Self - Doubt

Last week, I responded to a user who asked a question on one of my blog posts.

The question was:

"I do acquire knowledge, but I don't have solid career experience because I wasn't consistent in my studies and college life. I wasted a lot of time. Also, I wasn't confident in my skills. So, I've never applied for a job. I still hesitate. My knowledge is wasted and still wasting. Your thoughts, please?"

When I first read the question, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to respond, as I was feeling a bit exhausted. So, I made a note to reply when I was better prepared. 

When I finally sat down to respond, I found the words flowing effortlessly through my mind. In crafting my reply, I felt as though parts of it resonated deeply with me—touching on areas of my own life, even beyond the scope of the question.

It struck me then to share my response as a blog post, hoping it might resonate with you as well. Here is my reply:


Hi ...,

Thank you for your comment. First, I want to say that I’m proud of you for having the courage to ask this question and for being honest about how you feel. Recognizing and expressing your challenges is the first step toward overcoming them.

The next step is to stop blaming yourself. Avoid thoughts like, “I don’t have experience because I wasn’t consistent with my education,” or “My knowledge is wasted.” These statements don’t help; they only keep you tethered to the past. Leave the past where it belongs. Your present is where you have the power to act and make changes.

It’s also important to stop reinforcing limiting beliefs. Phrases like “My knowledge is wasting” can create a mental trap, making it harder for you to move forward. Instead, focus on what you can do right now to shift your situation.

So, let’s move from what you should stop doing to what you can start doing:

1. Define Your Goal:  

   Be clear about what you want to achieve. Do you want financial stability, personal freedom, a fulfilling career, or something else? Clarity on your end goal will guide your decisions. You might even realize that the knowledge you feel is “wasted” isn’t critical for achieving your goals.

2. Be Open to Starting Small:

   Be humble enough to accept any opportunity that comes your way, even if it doesn’t align perfectly with your ideal vision right now. It could be a way to earn extra money, gain new experiences, or build confidence. Don’t underestimate these opportunities—they can often lead to unexpected growth and success.

3. Shift Your Perspective on Opportunity: 

   Opportunities are always around us, but sometimes they don’t look the way we expect. High expectations about how opportunities should appear can blind us to smaller, seemingly insignificant ones. Embrace these smaller chances - they might be the stepping stones to something greater.

Think about everything I’ve shared and let me know what resonates with you.


After re-reading my response, I realized that it wasn’t just about answering his question. It spoke to a broader truth about facing challenges, whether in careers, relationships, or other areas of life. 

When we confront obstacles with the right mindset, identify what truly matters, and commit to relevant action, we can eventually overcome them. It requires patience, discipline, willpower, and commitment. These are tough qualities to master, but with determination, they are achievable. And through mastery, we can triumph over any challenge.

I hope this response inspires you as much as writing it inspired me.

Have a positive mindset, take meaningful action, and keep on winning!

Warm regards,  



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