When You Change How You See Things, Life Changes Too

Change the way you look at things and it changes

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer

I came across this quote recently and found myself reflecting on its meaning. What could Wayne Dyer be trying to say?

At first, it’s clear he isn’t talking about physical objects. No matter how differently you look at a cup, it’s still a cup. You can get creative about its use, but its essence doesn’t change.

So, Dyer must be talking about something deeper; something we can’t touch or measure. That led me to think about thoughts, emotions, and perceptions.

Our relationship with physical things is simple and measurable. But when it comes to intangibles, like how we think or feel, it’s a lot more complicated. For example, take love. Someone might tell you they love you, and while you might sense it in their words or actions, there’s no test to prove it. You simply trust your interpretation of how they make you feel.

This is where Dyer’s quote really hits home. It’s about how our thoughts and perceptions shape us.

Imagine this: You’re at a social gathering and notice a small stain on your shirt. Suddenly, you feel self-conscious and start avoiding conversations. In your mind, the stain is glaringly obvious, but chances are no one else has noticed it. Still, your discomfort changes how you act, which might then make others notice something’s off. What could’ve been a fun, relaxed gathering becomes tense - all because of how you saw the situation.

This is what Dyer meant when he said, “the things you look at change.” It’s not the physical situation that changes but your perception of it. And that perception affects your behavior and, eventually, the reality you experience.

Here’s another example. Say you think someone dislikes you. They’ve done nothing specific to make you feel this way, but you’re convinced. When they try to talk to you, you’re distant or unresponsive. Eventually, they stop reaching out. And then you think, “I knew it - they never liked me!” But was that true? Or did your assumption push them away, creating the outcome you feared?

This shows how powerful our beliefs are. Negative assumptions often lead to negative outcomes; not because they were true, but because our actions made them come true.

Now imagine flipping the script. What if you assumed the best in situations or people? Let’s say you’re working on a group project and believe your teammates value your input. That belief might make you more confident, more willing to share ideas, and more collaborative. Even if someone in the group was initially hesitant about you, your positive energy could win them over.

This doesn’t mean ignoring real problems. If something is proven harmful, like someone intentionally causing harm, it’s natural to respond accordingly. But most of the time, our negative thoughts aren’t based on facts; they’re based on assumptions.

So, what if we tried something different? What if, instead of assuming the worst, we chose to see the best? By doing this, we could create better experiences, not just for ourselves but for those around us.

When you look at things through a negative lens, it doesn’t just affect the thing you’re looking at; it affects you. Your thoughts change your mood, your actions, and ultimately, your reality.

But the reverse is also true. Choosing to look at things positively can uplift you, improve your relationships, and open doors to new possibilities.

Wayne Dyer’s quote is a reminder of the incredible power we have to shape our reality. By changing how we view the world, we change how we experience it.

So the next time you’re unsure or tempted to assume the worst, pause and ask yourself: What if I looked at this differently?

Because when you change the way you look at things, you don’t just change your perception; you change your world.

Look at things better, keep winning!

- Ike


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