Letting Go to Move Forward

It is a given that to get what you truly want, you must let go of the things you do not want.

The game of life is about consciously releasing everything you know for sure that you do not want, so that what you do want can follow.

You don't even have to worry about figuring out or searching for what you want. If you let go of the things you're holding onto that you don't want, what you desire will naturally reveal itself in unexpected ways.

It may seem effortless. But the real effort lies in consciously letting go—of circumstances, people, behavior patterns, or whatever is holding you back from your true desires. You must release them.

Many people remain attached to the past; be it trauma, bad experiences with others, childhood pain, or unexpected hardships like war and tension. These attachments can take many forms.

However, the way forward is not to identify with those challenges or difficulties or to see yourself as a product of them. It's not about using painful experiences as justification for why your life feels "a mess" or why nothing seems to work.

No, making your challenges your identity is a mistake. It traps you in the mindset of a victim, and there’s no chance you’ll take control of your life if you see yourself that way. If you view yourself as powerless, you won’t consciously direct your will to create order in your life.

The only path forward, if you truly desire change, is to first sit back and consciously reflect on everything that has been holding you back, unconscious behaviors, past hurts, identifying as a victim, negative self-talk, laziness, or even deceiving yourself into wanting things you don’t truly desire. Awareness is the first step.

Ask yourself: I want this, but why does it feel out of reach? What thought patterns and actions do I need to change? Spend as much time as possible identifying what you’re holding onto. The clearer you are, the closer you’ll be to solving the problem; awareness can resolve 90% of the issue.

After identifying these barriers, you must make a conscious effort to let go of them. Whether it’s negative self-talk, unconscious habits, or toxic attachments, letting go will be challenging. But your awareness of why you want to let go and your deep desire to steer your life in the right direction will motivate you to persevere during tough times.

You will likely stumble a few times, but don’t let that deter you. Each effort to put things in order sets a chain of behaviors in motion, strengthening your will and mindset. Even if you fail occasionally, remind yourself of why you’re doing this. Focus on the deeper reasons behind your commitment.

You are doing this for yourself, because you love yourself, you honor the Divine spirit within you, and you value the gift of being a human with mind and soul. You want to become the best version of yourself to honor yourself, to honor the Divine, and to be a blessing to the world and those you care about most.

When your life is in order, you will become a beacon of light for others; even people you may never meet. You will radiate the essence of true being wherever you go, transforming your world through your presence and example.

Always remind yourself: You deserve the very best, and the only way to attain it is by letting go of everything that holds you back.

Let me use an analogy to drive this home:

When you are sick, the first step is awareness; you notice something is wrong. You feel a headache, fever, or other symptoms, and you know you’re unwell. Next, you decide to take action. You visit a doctor, who listens to your symptoms and prescribes medication with clear instructions on how to use it.

If you follow the instructions, you’ll likely recover. Missing a dose here or there might not be critical, but if you skip your medication 9 out of 10 times, chances are you’ll remain sick.

Now, imagine you decide not to go to the doctor at all, thinking it’s a waste of time. Instead, you pretend everything is fine, perhaps numbing yourself with distractions to “feel good” temporarily. Deep down, though, you know you’re still unwell. By ignoring the problem, the illness progresses, and when it’s too late, you have no one to blame but yourself.

The same applies to your psyche when working toward what you want. You can choose to ignore your situation, make excuses, or let difficult experiences justify inaction. Alternatively, you can choose awareness, take action, and stay consistent; even when you stumble, to bring order to your life and create a purposeful existence.

The choice is always yours.

Keep winning.



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