Own This Year

Own this year by creating it

Happy New Year, Guys!

Another year is here - another opportunity to stay motivated, focus on "doing" what you can, and stay true to your vision, dream, and path.

Your only competition is yourself - becoming the best version of you, based on the awareness that resides within. This year is a reminder: your value doesn’t come from externals. It isn’t defined by what someone says, the material things you own, or the opinions of the world.

Your value comes from knowing your worth and understanding who you are deep within. Everything else aligns with that truth and is secondary.

Before last year ended, I bought a journal and wrote down what I wanted to achieve and the things I’d love to do this year. I broke it into three categories: personal goals, goals involving others, and career, physical, and mental aspirations.

I think it’s crucial to do this; not necessarily to check off every box at the year’s end but to set your consciousness for the year. It activates a part of you that becomes sensitive to opportunities to actualize those goals when they arise.

It’s like setting something in motion! Without this foundation, entering a new year can feel like groping in the dark, with your mental and spiritual faculties unfocused and unsure of what to attract.

If you haven’t done this yet, pause now. Take a pen and paper, and write down what you want for this year. Whatever comes to mind that feels meaningful, put it down.

And don’t stop there. Say it out loud to yourself.

I’m not entirely sure why this works, but speaking your goals aloud seems to activate a part of your consciousness. It’s like praying, chanting, or affirming. There’s power in the words you speak, especially when they relate to your vision for the year. Try it; you might be surprised.

Once you’ve done this, you’ve set the tone for the year. Everything that happens will align with that tone, and you’ll begin to recognize opportunities and take immediate action when they arise. I can’t explain the science, but I guarantee the opportunities will show up - just stay ready.

Beyond this, don’t waste a minute of this year worrying about why negative things happen in the world, why people behave poorly, or why there’s imbalance. These questions often have no answers and drain your precious energy.

Instead, focus on questions that empower and move you forward, like:

  • What can I do right now to improve my life and circumstances?
  • What habits do I need to build to operate at my best?
  • What changes must I make to avoid repeating past mistakes?

These are the kinds of questions that yield meaningful answers; answers that will inspire better actions and set you up for the great life you deserve.

Don’t worry about why externals (people, events, or the world), are the way they are. That’s not your useful business. Instead, transform yourself and radiate your best self outward. That’s how you make an impact.

But the first step is always inward. Ask yourself the right questions, let the answers guide you, and focus on personal transformation. Over time, you’ll find that the external questions lose their significance, replaced by the impact you’ve made by focusing on your own growth.

So, make your plan. Ask better questions. Take all the necessary actions in 2025, and just keep winning!

Remember, your life is your responsibility. Don’t wait for circumstances or others to play your hand for you. Decide to do what you can, and refuse to be swept away by distractions or the winds of chance.

That’s the surest way to make 2025 memorable and full of victories to celebrate by year’s end.

Try new things. Break old patterns. Stay faithful, joyful, and motivated.

Until next time,

Ike wishes you a glorious 2025 - victory all the way!


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