To Worry or Not to Worry?
Hi friends,
This week's article coincides with Valentine's Day, but ironically, I'm not writing about love. 😂
That said, since we're in the spirit of the day, I'll say one thing about love: Don't go into a relationship thinking someone else will "complete" you or make them the object of your happiness. That's dangerous territory.
But that's not today's topic.
I recently came across a video by Chris Haroun. It popped up in my email, and for a second, I was surprised. The last time I engaged with his content, it was about business and investment. I first discovered him at the start of the COVID year when Udemy made many courses available for free to help people upskill. So, getting an email from him about a video titled "How to Stop Worrying" caught me off guard.
Before I continue, I'll share the video here. You might want to take a moment to watch it.
What he said struck me, and I felt inspired to write about it.
The Problem with Worrying
As humans, we tend to worry a lot; especially about things we have no control over.
Now, if you have control over something, a reasonable amount of concern makes sense. If you're slacking at work, neglecting your responsibilities, or failing to care for the people who matter to you, then yes, it's valid to be concerned. You have the power to change those situations through your actions, thoughts, and decisions.
But when you've done your best, and the outcome is beyond your control; like bad weather ruining your plans, there's no point panicking. You can't control the rain, the sun, or whatever else. So why stress over it? Instead, let go, breathe, and relax.
Easier Said Than Done?
Of course, relaxing in the face of uncertainty isn't always easy. But with conscious awareness and practice, you can get better at it.
The key is to trust that things will work out for you. As Chris Haroun implied in his video, the moment you relax; when you stop overthinking and stressing, something magical happens. Everything starts to take care of itself.
The Power of Inner Harmony
I believe in harmony. Every person has an innate sense of peace within them. The problem is that we're so caught up in external distractions, the endless noise of our thoughts, the need for validation, the obsession with things outside ourselves; that we forget this inner peace exists.
This is why we worry too much.
No one in this world has complete control over everything. No one. The only real control we have is over our thoughts, actions, and responses. And even then, not entirely.
So, if you constantly stress over things you can't change, you're setting yourself up for misery. There will always be things beyond your control, and if that disturbs your peace, it means you've signed up to be always disturbed.
The Cost of Worrying
Beyond the mental and emotional toll, worrying makes you miss out on life. Beautiful things are always happening around you, but when your mind is fixated on problems beyond your control, you become blind to them.
And the worst part? Your imagination starts creating a false reality of chaos and lack of control. You feel sad, anxious, or even depressed; not because of reality, but because you've imprisoned yourself in a mindset of worry.
But why live like that when life is constantly offering you moments of beauty and joy?
A Final Thought
I don't think any reasonable person wants to miss out on life's experiences because of useless worry. So, instead of getting stuck in an endless loop of anxiety, move through life, embrace its highs and lows, and let go of what you can't control.
That's all for today. If you're celebrating, have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Keep winning!
- Ike