
Showing posts with the label Mentality

You Are Not Alone

Many people around the world today often make the mistake of wrongly thinking that they are the only ones facing certain situations in their personal lives. This leads most of them into depression, a negative mindset and even suicidal thoughts. In this article I will try to make you see reasons why you are not alone in the challenges you face. Growing up, I used to think that I was all alone in many of the circumstances I found myself. As a teenager, I didn't really get along so well with my mom. Maybe it was because Dad had passed away when I was much younger. But we often disagreed on many occasions because of my lack of understanding or trying to see things from her own perspective. I often thought I was alone in this and it often affected my predominant disposition because I felt unloved. It was until when I discussed with other seemingly happier colleagues that I realized some of them had actually been through more serious disagreements with their parents. But the...

Do Not Be Realistic

I think this article is going to be one of my realest. It has been pricking my mind to bring the words to life on this blog and despite my attempts to ignore the call, I find my mind being repeatedly hit by it. The title of the article is quite controversial. I mean who tells you to not be realistic in a world filled with systems which have been built on logic and sound reasoning? I will now try to make you see reasons why I have said "Do not be realistic." In today's world, there is a strong mental war going on between what you believe and what you see happening presently around you. The game is that your environment and experiences tend to force certain beliefs on you. You tend to easily accept these beliefs because that's what you see and think is happening around you. Therefore, you believe that nothing else is possible and you allow that belief or perspective to rule you. It is important to mention here that whatever you believe and hold as true is ...

Develop A Culture Of Excellence

Many people are comfortable with being just okay or average. They don't want to go the extra mile. They just want to do things at the most basic acceptable level and be free to go back to their relaxation. Many want to be just good enough and not stand out. Just make some observation around you. You will see that most people are just okay with the barest minimum. However, reality continues to show us that it is only those who excel in their fields that are celebrated. The world celebrates and rewards only those who are exceptional in whatever they do. This is why it is important we develop a culture of excellence. When I mention the names Pele, Messi or Christiano Ronaldo, it doesn't take you long to know that those guys are exceptional in the game of football. They've become so good at football that their names have become associated with exceptional football. When I mention Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump, you already know that they are exceptiona...

The Definition Of A True Man

In today's world, it seems as though the definition of a man is getting more debased day by day. Value systems seem to have changed and being a man appears to now be centered on ephemeral, distasteful and immoral behaviour. Here on this blog, you'll get the truth on the definition of a true man. Yesterday, I got into an argument with a male colleague at work. Ordinarily, I try my best to avoid any form of arguments except when absolutely necessary. This was one of those exceptional days. We were all having a wonderful discussion about things we need to know in making the right choice as regards a life partner for marriage and everyone of us was sharing their candid opinions and learning from those shared by others. Then, the young man who was standing aside joined in and started saying that we were all talking nonsense. He continued by saying that only his opinion was valid because he had slept with so many different women to the extent he had lost count. I didn...

The Hoarders Mentality

A lot of people have this tendency of hoarding things and always keeping unnecessary stuff to themselves. They find it difficult to let things they don't need anymore go. Rather than let someone else have it, they prefer to hoard it. This is what I call the hoarders mentality. A hoarder is more like a miserly person. He or she believes that it will never be enough for them and will continue to save up unnecessary things. But this is a big trap and demonstrates a poor mindset. Winners know and believe that they will never run dry. This doesn't mean that they waste their resources, rather they aren't afraid to let go of the things they no longer need. And indeed, they never run dry. Beliefs are incredibly powerful. Many of the things some of us still keep with ourselves aren't needed anymore by us, yet we just leave them with us for no good reason. You go to some homes, you find a large box filled with old clothes that are no longer in use. Why not share? You b...

The World Belongs To The Futuristic In Thought

The world belongs to those who are futuristic in their thought processes which consequently leads them to taking the best decisions or actions in the present. It's important to put the future into perspective whenever we want to make any choices. It's quite impossible to know the future for sure but therein lies the whole excitement in preparing for it's probable outcomes. Life wouldn't have much meaning to it if we knew exactly how the future would play out, would it? That's why it's usually a waste of time to worry about the future. However, you must think about it's possibilities and take needed action. You could buy a house or property today and the next few years it's value may have doubled or tripled.   You could start a business in an area that looks undeveloped and before you know it, development gradually changes that area. You could see a poor man today who is hardworking and diligent in his efforts, in a few years he might be a mul...

Cut The Fake Happiness Crap

With various happiness ideologies floating around the internet these days, an increasingly high number of people are beginning to accept crap as a norm in their lives. They deceive themselves with a fake sense of happiness that they believe comes from knowing themselves and accepting all outcomes without resistance. It's high time we cut the crap. I don't know why it appears that more and more people are buying into the concept of accepting whatever comes or just being happy with the unimaginable way they currently live. It seems they are finding more reasons to remain in their comfort zones without having the tenacity to push through whatever obstacles or odds that may come to them during their pursuit of higher aims. Think about it: Let's say you've been applying to get a job at a big firm. You keep trying and yet your application is usually rejected. Then someone comes to tell you that not being accepted into the job could be a good thing; it could mean ...

The Craze For Likes

Why the Craze For Likes? These likes are just there to tell you whether people like what you posted or not. It doesn't go beyond that. Whether you get 10 likes or 1000 likes on your picture. Likes are just likes. You don't have to judge yourself by number of likes. You don't have to to almost go naked on social media just to get "likes" when it's not your thing. For Christ's sake, what are likes? You don't have to pretend to support a particular group or ideology, just to get likes. Are you gonna die without it? Does it give you money? Weren't you surviving before social media took over? So why the heck are you crazed about getting likes? Social Media platform is for networking and "genuinely" expressing ourselves and who we really are. Always tailoring your posts to suit the public likes or sound politically correct is just plain stupid because we know that public approval does NOT ALWAYS mean that something is true...

They Owe You Nothing

The moment you begin to get the point that other people owe you nothing and therefore develop the mindset of working towards whatever you want to have in this life, the better for you. It's so common these days to hear things like: "My uncle has a lot of cash and yet he's not willing to help me," "My sister is a manager at a big company and she hasn't even given a job role," or even something like "I'm related to him, but yet he hasn't done anything for me even though he's doing very well." Even in relationships, people behave as if their partners owe them happiness always by saying things like: "I'm his lover and since he won 2 million naira, I hope to get a million," "He or She doesn't do everything to make me happy," or "He doesn't do as much as this other person or that person." And that's how relationships begin to collapse because someone starts comparing the partner with s...

Herd Mentality

Herd mentality is everywhere around us. It's so easy to observe that it often goes unnoticed, but it's a silent killer that we all must be wary of as bold winners. This post was written to remind you that you're not everyone else and you can always stand out from the herd when you are in disagreement. When you log onto your Facebook and you see a post with  about 400 likes and then one post with just 2 likes posted around same time as the previous post, which post are you more likely to also like? When you walk into a bar and all the people there seem to support a particular football team in a football game, which team are you most likely to support? When you're walking on the street and then you see people gathering around a celebrity (an actor, a sport star or a musician), what are you most likely to do? When you hear lots of people complaining about a particular government with good arguments, what are you likely to think about that government? When eve...