9 Life Lessons From The Game of Chess

Chess is a wonderful intellectual game. It is not merely an idle amusement as wrongly believed by those who may not understand the beauty of the game. It is a game in which several wonderful capacities of the mind can be developed. Many things happen on a chess board from which we can pick vital lessons that could help us in our daily lives. It is almost eight years long since I learnt how to play chess. And so far so good here are 9 life lessons I have learnt from the game: 1. Never give up This one comes first because I feel it's the most important lesson I've learnt from playing chess. Many times when I play with stronger players and find myself in a bad position, I tend to easily lose hope. I'm like "What's the point?" "The game is already lost." But as I advanced in gameplay, I stopped giving up easily when I've made any errors or when I appear to be losing. I just focused on playing as best as I could given the situation. In doi...