Be Good For No Reason

I think this world would be a lot better if we could all be good for no reason. If we make it a point of duty to simply be good to other people and to our immediate environment. If we could form the habit of doing good without any expectation and being good to our community for no reason, there would be dramatic change. But the big question lies in the definition of being good. On what basis can we say for sure that the actions we intend to take is a good one? Is it culture? Is it morality? Is it the scriptures? For the purpose of this blog post, being good here means showing love to others and helping them out when you can. It means being able to connect with the feelings of other people and help them solve any of their problems in any little way you can. Actions that can be classified as being good could be: buying food for someone without them asking, visiting the motherless babies and providing them with the gifts you can, giving to a beggar or a ...